Splash down - 49° 38' 48" N 01 35' 47" E
Wow, today actually came! There were times when we didn't think it ever would and we would be living in anticipation forever! A major milestone in the Chinook journey. Today she was transported from the shipyard and popped into the water! It was supposed to happen yesterday, but the weather gods do not always bless us with perfect weather. It was literally blowing a gale . Waves were crashing over the breakwater of the outer harbour flinging spray high into the air. It would have been a great day to watch the waves smash on the lighthouse at Goury - one of those famous stone lighthouses you see half obscured by waves. We had caught the night ferry back from Portsmouth and even in the inner harbour, it had trouble offloading. Definitely not the day for splashing a boat! This was the weather for the proposed splash. Hmmm, now why would they postpone it? But thirty hours later, it was a perfect splash day, with almost no wind and we even had some sun. Chinook...