The Arctic Circle - 66° 33' 00" N 53° 32' 41" W

We crossed the Arctic Circle in a sailboat!  Woo hoo, now officially arctic sailors.

Counting down

The Arctic Circle is located about 66° 33'N but it does move depending on the earth's tilt.  In 2024, the Arctic Circle sits at 66° 33' 41". But we made the decision to celebrate crossing at its approximate location that everyone is familiar with.  


It would be ideal to say we sailed across the Arctic Circle, but truth be revealed, the engine was what took us across. There was hardly any wind and saying "we drifted across" doesn't have much swagger to it.

The nautical tradition for crossing the Arctic Circle is the Order of the Bluenose.  BUT, as it happens, all of us have crossed the Arctic Circle before so we had the freedom to simply raise a glass rather than partake in a some chilly tradition!  

And, surprisingly, none of us opted to swim across the Arctic Circle!

That's two cartographic lines crossed, not sure how many more to go.


  1. Oh you could have easily swam across! Haha perhaps a bit chilly but what a photo op!

  2. Fantastic! Congratulations 💥

  3. Fantastic..!! 😁💪💪


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