St Katharine Dock - 51° 30' 26' N, 00° 04' 13" W

Thanks to Storm Éowyn, flights and trains were cancelled and hire cars became impossible to come by.  We were stuck in London for another day!  (One thing we do struggle with is the lack of sympathy from our friends!)

The Tower Bridge, not to be mistaken for the very pedestrian London Bridge.

A wander along the Thames to check out the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge was in order.  Neither of us had been there for more decades than we care to admit and oh my, how it has changed!  Booking is now required to visit The Tower and you are given a time slot with strict instructions that if you are late, you may be denied entry. The ticket pricing is some hefty, particularly considering they recommend a mere two hours for your visit. 

Kate back in 1989 - gotta love those shoulder pads! 

Under glorious blue skies, we opted to walk along the Thames, cross the Tower Bridge and check out St Katharine Docks - a marina snugged up under the Tower Bridge.  Protected by a lock, the marina is a calm haven in the middle of the city.  What a glorious place to spend some time.

St Katharine Dock

We made some enquiries and yes, they can accommodate a boat the size of Chinook. How cool would it be to stay ON CHINOOK in the centre of London?  It would involve a 60nm (120km) motor up the Thames, with its strong tidal streams and wash from passing ships.  We would need to carefully navigate along the recommended track for yachts avoiding ships, windsurfers, rowers, paddlers, swimmers, water skiers and all other river users.  We would have to negotiate the strong tidal sets, avoid ships manoeuvring into the Tilbury Lock, pass under the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, get clearance to travel through the Thames Barrier Control Zone, dodge the Woolwich Ferry and arrive at the St Katharine Lock on the right tides (HW±2 hours) to make the lock times!

Extract from the River Thames Recreational Users Guide

It would be a mighty fun adventure.  The question is, are we brave enough??

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