Nepean Highway - 37° 54' 09" S 145° 01' 08" E
Horror on the Highway
As is does, time rolled on and once again, we are heading towards Tullamarine Airport. Mum kindly offered us a lift so we piled her car full of our suitcases and bags and started off.
With me at the wheel in moderate to heavy traffic we were in the middle lane of the Nepean Highway at about Gardenvale, a flicker of movement caught my eye. To my arachnophobic horror one long hairy leg, then another and another danced out from the door jam until the whole hand-sized huntsman spider began his waltz across the dashboard. Obviously my first reaction was to scream, slam on the brakes and leap out of the car BUT I remained calm. With a heart rate close to cardiac arrest, I flicked on the blinker, safely changed lanes, turned onto the service road then felt at liberty to scream and leap out of the car!
Sean, most manfully, removed the spider from the car and only once I saw him scurrying around on the nature strip did I feel it was safe to get back in. I must say I do not miss the old huntsman spider in Calgary!
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