Flinders - 38° 27' 04" S 144° 57' 27" E
Flinders - home for Christmas! Days filled with friends and family, cycling and lazing on beach after beach, the mandatory jumping off the pier, chicken parma at the pub, eating, visiting and a tad too much drinking. Down at the Flinders Pier Hot days means the beach. Which beach depends on the wind, tide and appetite to hike up the sand dunes. McCrae, Flinders Back Beach, Shoreham, Flinders Pier, Fingal... and we are yet to scratch the surface. We are noticing how conditioned we are to start a hike by going up, reaching the goal and having an easy skip back to the starting point. It doesn't work that way when the goal (eg. a sandy beach) is at sea level. We have to remember to save some energy for the slog out. Un-squished roadside attraction Early bike rides looping though Red Hill, Shoreham, Flinders or Arthur's Seat, Red Hill Flinders. Well maintained, undulating roads with mostly courteous road users. We both truly appreciate the la...