On the sand - 51° 43' 19' N 05° 06' 12" W

Whoops, was THAT supposed to happen?? Chinook high and dry on Sandy Haven Beach We have done something terrifying. Something that most sane yachtsmen take great care to avoid ever doing ... or even be accused of doing. We grounded Chinook and ended up sitting high and dry on a sandbank in an estuary - deliberately! Part of our maintenance schedule requires we inspect some parts of Chinook that are below the waterline - hull and propellor anodes - and with the water temperature hovering around way-too-cold, coupled with the fact that this marvellous sailboat is designed to be able to dry out, so we decided to give it a go! We didn't just run her up on any random beach, there as a little more fussing, planning and worrying involved! Sandy Haven was recommended with its big tide, flat estuary and sandy beach. We studied the tides and the weather. We needed a calm day that coincided with a daytime low tide. Fortunately, this unicorn made...