Tombstone Campground, Yukon - 64°30'23" N 138°13'21" W

Despite having visited and travelled through many, many places around the world, I was always a bit embarrassed to admit that I hadn't been very far north in my own country. I had been to Fort McMurray but not further into the top half of my homeland. Even Kate, my Australian-born bride, had been closer to Santa's Workshop than I have. We knew there was a rough road that meandered all the way to the Arctic Ocean, but it took some investigation to learn that it was called the Dempster Highway. Pre-COVID we planned a trip. Chatting with the Australian family, Wendy and Graeme showed interest in joining us. Late August/early September was set as the timeframe to: avoid the swarms of bugs that summer brought be there for the fishing season (more to enjoy the bounty than do the fishing) catch part of berry season possibly get lucky with the turning colour of leaves Spoiler Alert: In the end, we succeeded fabulously on all points. Alt...