artsPlace - 51° 05' 23" N 115° 21' 46"
When you live in Canmore, it is easy to focus on physical activity. Cycling, downhill and cross-country skiing, climbing, hiking, running, canoeing ... the daylight seems to vanish from underneath us. Winter brings colder temperatures and shorter bouts of sunshine, so we do find ourselves indoors and looking to fend off cabin fever. As well as being a town full of active people, love of (and occupancy in) the mountains also inspires artistic endeavours. There are many artists in our little berg and therefore the arts community is unusually strong. We have no less than three theatre companies; there are more public and private galleries than you can shake a hiking pole at; the Bow Valley hosts the Banff Centre for Arts; there are world-class festivals for music, spoken word, painting, sculpture and written word. Heck, we even have a former potter as a mayor. One of the outcomes of this is we have a fabulous community gathering centre called artsPlace . Artspace hosts