
Showing posts from 2009

Cultural Attaché

For the past month-and-a-bit, I have been showing some of my new in-laws all that Calgary and the mountains has to offer. I think I've been having as much fun as they have. Some of the highlights have been: floating down the Elbow river, enjoying the gentle current and child-friendly depth an adults-only hike up Ha Ling Peak trips to Calgary landmarks such as Peter's Drive Inn , Recordland , our lovely neighborhood of Kensington , Prince's Island and the bike paths the Barrier Lake Fire Lookout hike (which the kids walked themselves - all 12 kilometers of) the Little Elbow loop (a true back-country mountain bike ride) Canada Olympic Park for a zipline ride curling at the Winter Club a 5 km Fun Run at Bowness Park a speedy trip to Frank, Waterton Park and down into The 'States to do the Going to the Sun Road In the past, having Aussies around has usually meant that I've had to defend much of what Canada encompasses - Tim Horton's coffee, waiting patiently i