Canmore Highland Games - 51° 05' 13" N 115° 21' 27" W

As Community Cruisers was to provide bike parking at the Highland Games, in my new role of Volunteer Coordinator, I gave the President a call to see what they required. The President, Sandy Bunch, has a rather strong Glaswegian accent. As I came off the phone, I had a disturbing feeling I had committed to something a little more than bike parking! A few days later, a follow-up phone call from Sandy confirmed that I had indeed agreed to becoming the Volunteer Coordinator for the whole Highland Games! Good grief! Somebody, PLEASE, remind me to never again grunt assent when I don't understand a word! My first committee meeting was filled with talk of kaylees, heavy sports and whiskey tastings. The only part I was sure of was the whiskey tasting. That, I could get into! Consulting The Google, I discovered that heavy sports was the competition one finds at Highland Games. It includes athletic events such as the tug o'war, caber toss, hammer throw, stone pu...